Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My 33rd Year...

I spent my 20's, when most people are going crazy, as a married gal, but I'm making my 33rd year pretty awesome! I've done some things in the last year that I never thought I'd do at 33... I won't go into details, but I've definitely enjoyed them!

One thing I certainly never thought I'd do was date someone 8 years my junior. Until recently, I held the gross generalization that all 25 year old guys were the same. Of course, this thought was based solely on the interactions I'd had with them, mostly online. The conversations usually progressed as such: him "Hey Cutie. How're you?" me "I'd good, thanks. How are you?" him "I can't wait to get into your pants" me, "Whoa, don't get ahead of yourself." him "Don't think you can keep up with me sexually?".... At this point, I don't even bother replying. What makes them think that this is a good opening set of lines? They don't even bother with "My name is ______. Tell me about yourself." or anything remotely conversational. Fucking retards....

Onto my current situation:
About 6 months ago, I was approached on MS by a cute 25 year old long haul trucker, but I chose not to meet him in person because I had a strong feeling I was going to like him and then be crushed when he left for 6-8 weeks at a time. I've been there, done that, and didn't want to put myself through that again. (Our convo, at that time, didn't end superbly, mainly because of my personal issue with the age difference.) So, Imagine my surprise, when I get a "wink" on a dating site from the same cute trucker! We were both agreeable to giving it another chance and began emailing back and forth for a few days. It was nice to have a normal conversation and he quickly proved that he's unlike any 25 year old I'd met thus far. I like to say he's done a LOT of living in his 25 years. He's intelligent and great to talk to, but he's not afraid to be goofy and makes me laugh all the time!! I still have to pinch myself sometimes. I Never thought someone as hot and awesome as he is would be interested in me!! Our situation is a bit complicated, to say the least, but I LOVE being with him and wouldn't trade a moment for anything (except some of the love marks!).

I have no idea what's going to happen in the next several months, but I know it could end in heartbreak for me. Unfortunately, I'm incapable of being in a relationship without going "All In" and it does open me up for the possibility of heartache, but I have too much respect for him and our relationship to do it any other way. I live life by the motto "Go Big or Go Home" and my romantic relations are very much included in that. I couldn't, and wouldn't, do it otherwise.