Monday, July 19, 2010

Big Changes

I have wanted a baby for several years and was planning on using donor sperm if needed. My boyfriend recently offered to father my child, after signing off any financial obligation. I'm fine with that, its what would happen with a donor anyways, but he has said he'll help me as much as he can.

I was going to wait until I got a job, but decided today to finish out my pack of bc pills and let Mother Nature do her thing after that. I'm excited and completely freaked out at the same time! My close friend has my back and will help me in any way she can. Brian will also be involved as much as his schedule allows. I want him to be involved and see the first step our baby takes and hear the first word our child says. He seems to be excited about it and always asks me "What are you going to do when our kid...." questions. His son wasn't planned and his mom won't let Brian take Evan on his own, she always has to be there. I won't do that to him. I, barring a postpartum freak out, have no problem with Brian bonding and hanging out with our baby on his own. I can't wait to come home and see the two of them passed out in the recliner...

Our situation is a bit complicated, seeing as how he's married, but I'm trying not to dwell on that until I absolutely have to. I love Brian and get along with him so well, with the exception of when he's off his meds. I don't know that I'll be able to be "their" girlfriend after Michelle returns, but I'm not going to leave until I give it a shot....

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